Monday, September 13, 2010

Bennett Turns One!!

Bennett Alfred Sharpe, 1 year old
Weight: 25 lbs (80th%)
Height: 33 inches (>97th%)
Head: 19 cm (90th%)

My baby boy turned one on August 30th. We spent the day before at the State Fair, which seemed totally appropriate being that I went into labor with him after walking around the fair the year prior!! Let me tell you, I was much more comfortable this year!!
Bennett is a joyful, happy, sweet, busy little boy. He is not yet walking, but crawling faster than a run, if you ask us! He doesn't seem interested in walking because he is such an efficient crawler! It seems there is NOTHING he can't get into, either. He's tipping over lamps, getting into the toilet, knocking books and puzzles off of every shelf, etc, etc. He is basically a destructo-matic right now, but boy do we love him!!

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Sibling Love...

A few cute shots of my three loves.....

Hayden Jonathan, 7 years old
Erica Rae, 4 1/2 years old
Bennett Alfred, 1 year old