Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Aren't Hammocks supposed to be relaxing?

I had been asking Jon for a while if
he would make a hammock stand
for me--because I was longing to relax in
the back yard in the hammock--maybe in the
shade with a good book, etc.

All of the visions in my mind involved
serious relaxation.

He did get the hammock hung for me, but
as you can see--the relaxation part didn't
really happen!

I guess I will try again
over nap time!!

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The Childrens Museum

On Wednesday, 8/29-we met up with the Ingvaldson girls at the Childrens Museum in St Paul for a play date.

It was oh so fun. We hadn't been there for a while because this year we decided to get a membership at the Science Museum instead--due to Hayden's love of dinosaurs. Now, however, I am bummin' that we don't have a membership anymore--because there are a bunch of new galleries that the kids just loved!

We played at the Museum for a few hours and then headed over to McDonalds for lunch.

It was a great day with Tanya, Josie and Natalie. Hayden and Josie were fast friends, as usual--holding hands and playing so well together, while Erica and Natalie sort of explored their worlds solo.

It was a great day!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Erica's New Trick!!

Erica mastered the big slide on our swing set this weekend, and I think we might have been just as excited as she was!!

Here she is ascending the
stairs all by herself............

Getting all lined up and
mentally prepared.........

The Take Off..................

The Dismount...........
A Perfect Landing!!
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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Puppy Love!

This morning Nana and Papa Smith came for a visit with their new mixed breed puppy, Hope. She is 3 1/2 months old, and is about 4 pounds......and so cute!! Hayden and Erica just loved her, and she and Oscar got along pretty well, too.

My Dad received Hope as a gift, after wanting a dog for years now. My mom was not so keen on the idea, but finally gave in-- knowing how much it would mean to my dad. As most of you know, my dad has gone through a lot in the last few years in his battle with Kidney Cancer. The puppy, he named Hope, for obvious reasons. And so far, she seems to have done exactly that....brought him some hope and brightened his days. For that we are all thankful.
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Monday, August 20, 2007

Hayden the Fabricator

Tonight after dinner, Hayden and Jonathan spent the evening in the garage together....doing some father & son bonding. This is the norm usually before Hayden's bedtime, so that I can get some things done around the house after Erica goes to bed. They are definitely garage buddies.

Here you can see what the garage lesson was this evening: Welding 101. Jonathan learned to weld in his garage with his dad when he was 9 years old, so he figures Hayden will be leaps and bounds ahead if he starts learning at (almost) 4!!

Hayden did really well (note the photo of him holding his finished work), and was so proud when he came in the house and told me that he "welded all by himself."

The thought of him welding was cute, but the photos really sealed the deal for me.........he is definitely his daddy in the making. Scary, but true.....two Jonathan's in this world!! :)

This scene is actually very Deja vu to me-- because when we found out that we
were having a boy 4+ years ago--the first picture that entered my mind was
pulling up our driveway and seeing Jonathan and our young son in the garage
working on a welding project side by side.

Some things are just meant to be!

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Parents Night Out in Downtown Minneapolis!!

In honor of my 30th Birthday, Jon planned an outing with two of our very close "couple" friends, Tammy and Jeff Weiss, and Tanya and Scott Ingvaldson.

We have been friends since before we all had kids, and have been enjoying watching our kids become friends now as well.

However, this outing was an adult only outing.......and boy did we have fun!!!

We departed from the Mall of America on the Light Rail, and took this all the way down town. This was my first time on the Light Rail, so I was really excited about it.

We then had dinner reservations at the Monte Carlo Bar and Cafe in the Mpls Warehouse District. Really good food, a tasty martini, and great company. Here I am with my slice of chocolate birthday cake. As you can see they couldn't fit 30 candles on that slice....thank god.

Following dinner, we walked to Acme comedy club where we had some yummy drinks...(note the large carafe's we are holding in the photo)....and then watched a stand up comedy performance by Emo Phillips. Hilarious!!

All in all, it was a great night had by all.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Science Museum of MN

This morning we decided it was due time for another trip to the Science Museum. As always, we
spent most of our time there at the Dinosaur exhibits, because Hayden tends to be a bit obsessed
with Dino's.

This year, Erica thought they were pretty cool, as well. She was oohing and aahing, pointing, and roaring like a little dinosaur. Pretty adorable.

After dino's, body exhibits, planet earth exhibits, soft pretzels with cheese, and a melt down from Hayden because we wouldn't buy him a snow cone.....we decided to make a day of it.

We were hardly on the freeway before both kids were sleeping soundly in the back seat....ZZzzzz...
(Oh they are so cute when they are sleeping--especially after a temper tantrum) :)
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Amphibian Boy

I found Hayden these two green tree frogs while at a friends house on Lake Minnetonka last night. I knew that I would be his hero if I came home with
tree frogs for him, so we caught them, and put them in a tupperware with some leaves and water for the ride home.

This morning we let him take them out, hold them, and then we let them go in our front yard. Once again, trying to teach the lesson of being good sportsmen....catch and release. There were a few tears shed when we had to let them go, but here you can see the joy in his eyes as he is getting to know them!!

It was love at first sight.....such a typical boy!!

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Daddy and E.Rae

A few beautiful photos of two of my favorite people....Jonathan and Erica Rae....
checking out a summer flower.

So cute, I just had to share.......
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A Day at Bunker Beach

On Sunday, 7/29--Jon, Hayden, Erica and I met up with my girlfriends and their families at
Bunker Beach for a day of fun in the sun.

It was a beautiful day, and the wading pool/adventure park play area (pictured) was soooo
much fun! I think that Jon and I may have even had more fun than the kiddo's!

After playing in the wading pool area, wave pool, water slides, and sand play area, we headed
out to the picnic area for some lunch.

Before we even ate our lunch, Erica was already sleeping in the stroller--exhausted from
a fun-filled day, so following lunch we headed home for naptime.

Yet another great summer day!!

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