Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ice Tubing!

We had great intentions of going sledding on Christmas Day, but ended up taking naps, reading, playing, watching movies, and having an ultra lazy day instead. We also got two awesome snow tubes as a Christmas gift from aunt Kathryn, so couldn't wait to try them out this weekend.

Saturday after nap, we bundled up and headed over to Creek Valley in Edina, which is the hill that Jon grew up sledding on. Despite the icy conditions....we had a BALL!! Again, I am not sure if the kids or Jon & I had more fun...until one of our tubes popped that is!! :)

Here is some fancy video footage that I just love.....
thanks to Jonathan, the camera stunt man~

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pre-Christmas Festivities........

The holidays are near judging by the view out my picture window, and by the crazy schedule we are trying to keep these days!! Our calender is full of festivities and here are just a few to share:

Hayden and Erica all dressed in red for their preschool Christmas party:

A little Santa action......

Erica sat on Santa's lap first, and was a little (ok, a lot) skiddish. He tried to get her to
talk about what she wanted, and to touch his beard, but she looked about like this (one step from tears) the whole time she was on his lap.

Hayden on the other hand.....had a list about a mile long for Santa!!
I think Santa had to cut him off half way through his requests!

A cute self portrait of Jon and Erica from the party...

Here is some footage of the kids singing Christmas carols in their elf hats:

And finally the kids and I this morning before leaving to go see Peef The Christmas
Bear at Stages Theater in Hopkins:

Well, that's all I've got for now--but definitely more to come on this subject!!!