Saturday, August 15, 2009

36 Weeks...and Counting!!

We spent my 36th week of pregnancy on our annual Sharpe family vacation in Park Rapids, MN at Isle O' Dreams resort. It only seemed appropriate to use the beautiful surroundings to do our belly shots for my ninth month.

Just 4 weeks to go now, and DYING to meet this little person.
Come out, come out, whoever you are!!!!

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Baby Birds

I came across this nest while watering my flowers the other day. I had pulled the large hanging pouch down and was just about to drop the hose into it when I realized that there was a nest and four little eggs in the top opening. I quickly hung the pouch back up, and hoped that I hadn't disturbed the nest at all. Over the last few weeks we have just watched with excitement as the eggs have hatched, and the four baby birds have grown up right before our eyes and camera lens. The above picture was taken on 7/11.

Here are the first two hatchlings, taken just 5 days later on 7/16:

On 7/19 they have a bit more fuzz, and you can start to see their eyes, though still closed:

Now on 7/21 you can see a little beak on one of them:

Bigger yet on 7/24, and you can start to see feathers on the wings, and their
eyes are now open:

Looking like cute little birdies now on 7/28...and running out of nest space quickly:

And finally today, 8/3, it's hard to tell if there are only two left in the nest, or if they are all piled on top of one another in that tiny space. I bet they will be gone soon....and we will all be very sad to see them go. What fun it's been to watch them grow up!