Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Guess Who's Four????

We celebrated Erica Rae's 4th birthday this past weekend....and it was an all weekend party, let me tell you! Friday night was a party at Nana and Papa Sharpe's house. Saturday the 20th was her actual birthday and we celebrated by spending the day at the Water Park of America. Then Sunday was her Super Sledding Party with her friends. It was an awesome, fun-filled weekend celebrating the life of Miss E!!

Here we are at the water park, thoroughly enjoying ourselves!
(Bennett stayed home & spent some quality time with Nana Smith)

And a few from the sledding party:

Nana Sharpe saved the day on the Unicorn cake request, as we looked high and low for unicorn decorations, to no avail....

No party is complete without the birthday song...

Happy Birthday E.Rae~ You are such an amazing big girl!!
We could not be more proud of you~

Our Love Bug...

At the end of this month, Bennett will be 6 months old already. I can hardly believe it is true, even as I type it right now. He has brought such immense joy to our lives, and it has been SO much fun to watch him grow and learn to explore his world a little more every day.

He is such a good-natured, mellow, little dude--and is just so easy to be around. He sleeps through the night, rolls in both directions (when he feels like it), chews on everything, LOVES his exersaucer & his feet, and started eating cereal recently.

Knowing this is our last baby...we are just trying to enjoy and cherish every step and every moment along the way. We love you Mr. B!!