Wednesday, July 15, 2009

32 weeks (aka 8 months)

Here are me and the babe at 32 weeks gestation. You know what that means.....just 8 weeks to go!! We are in the single digit countdown at the Sharpe house!!

I am really feeling great other than some minor aches and pains, and just generally running out of room to eat and breathe!! :) I guess it is kind of the nature of the beast, and since this will probably be my last pregnancy, I am trying to remind myself to enjoy the experience.

I LOVE the movement, and baby moves a lot these days, along with lots of hiccups over the last few weeks. The kids get to watch my belly move, which they think is pretty cool, and maybe a little alien-esque! :)

We got the nursery almost completely set up and ready to go this past weekend. Thank you Jon for putting together the changing table and crib for his very persistent wife. Can't mess with a nesting women, let me tell you! I'll post some photos of the nursery once I get some things hung up on the walls.

Other than that, all is well....just growing more and more excited to meet this little one, and see who is in there kicking me in the ribs all day!!

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Lisa said...

You look beautiful!

nesez said...

So cute Tammie! You are positively radiant :)